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Keys to Home Ownership™

is just a few short steps away!

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We Transform Lives Through Affordable Housing to Empower Families & Individuals to Enjoy the
American Dream of Home Ownership

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  • Bad or No Credit? It’s OK!

  • Too Much Debt? It’s OK!

  • Low Down Payment? It’s OK!

  • ITIN? It’s OK!

Path to Home Ownership™ and a Happy Family is just a few short steps away!

MWR Cashflow Membership

Our 1st goal is to help you increase the cashflow from your existing income. Our experts do this by reducing your taxes, lowering your monthly bills, eliminating your debts and restoring your credit, all at the same time. And... If you’re a renter, our CERTIFED AFFORDALE HOUSING PROVIDERS will even help you become a homeowner, regardless of your past credit history or your current credit scores, so you can start building equity for yourself, instead of your landlord. These services have literally increased our members’ cashflow and equity by hundreds and even thousands of dollars every month. Allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned money, instead of just giving it away to the government, banks, and big business. And best of all... our experts do all the work.


Wouldn't it be great to be a homeowner? Your own place, secure future, tax benefits - Freedom...your own slice of the American Dream!

Let's face it...Home owners get more respect...and more benefits, too!

For many people in today's economy, this is some distant far off wish. Credit issues from the past, too much debt and lack of down payment stamp out the dream.


With the right income, commitment and focus from you, the impossible dream becomes possible. Our simple and easy programs move you up to the freedom of ownership quickly.

The programs we offer are both innovative and unique, setting us apart from our competitors. Based on income and down payment instead of credit history, the door to realizing your dream is in reach!

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Launching in St. Louis, MO and
Expanding Nationwide, including Puerto Rico!
Ask us about our referral program!

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